Epiphone Joe Bonamassa Les Paul Goldtop: 2nd Run

Epiphone Joe Bonamassa Les Paul Goldtop: 2nd Run

That's right, due to popular demand the hugley popular Epiphone Joe Bonamassa Les Paul Goldtop has been given a 2nd run. We have limited stock of these guitars due in so be quick!

That's right, due to popular demand the hugely popular Epiphone Joe Bonamassa Les Paul Goldtop has been given a 2nd run. We have limited stock of these guitars due in so pre order now to save disappointment.

The Goldtop Joe Bonamassa signature model features traditonal '59 construction with a round D profile neck and a Mahogany body and carved maple cap and two Gibson Burstbucker pickups. Included with the guitar is a Lifton-style hardshell case, hand-signed certificate of authenticity and Epiphone straplocks.

This is a great opportunity to grab one of these amazing guitars, so if you missed out last time make sure you get in quick.


Here's a video of Joe demoing his Gibson and Epiphone Signature Models


New Releases
01st December 2011


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